Circular Action Heroes campaign: on the road to a sustainable future

‘A lot of people make us think that climate change is a “far cry”, but in the end we are the first generation to notice the effects of climate change and the last generation that can still do something about it,’ says Jelle Mul, European marketing manager Patagonia.

You need heroes who motivate you to do or think differently. So too in the field of circular entrepreneurship. Because it is precisely here that it is important to have figureheads who activate others to take the next step. Every step is one, wherever you find yourself as an entrepreneur. That’s why we developed the Circular Action Heroes campaign together with Circl and Freshmen Media, in which we share the personal stories of the people behind the circular successes. What motivates them to take the next step towards a sustainable future?

Approach: circular action heroes in the spotlight

With the campaign, we give a face to heroes from various industries throughout the year. Each and every one of them is an entrepreneur who wants to do more than just produce something beautiful and make a profit from it. The emphasis is not so much on what they make or do, it is their intrinsic motivation that counts. What is someone’s drive to take action for a better world and why is cooperation the key?

The kick-off of the campaign took place during the Week of Circular Economy 2019 with three heroes who are making the fashion industry sustainable. In collaboration with de Persgroep, articles appeared in de Volkskrant and het Parool, and in-article videos on relevant news sites. The personal stories are from Marlot Kiveron (product & CSR manager Ace &Tate), Jelle Mul (European marketing manager Patagonia) and Ista Boszhard and Cecilia Raspanti (founders Textile Lab). With the inspiring portraits Circl activated other entrepreneurs to also take steps towards a circular world.

Result: unexpected collaborations

With the Circular Action Heroes campaign, Circl managed to reach a large part of the Netherlands. The campaign generated almost 2 million impressions of which over 40% watched the videos. A great result!

The campaign also delivered successes for the participating heroes themselves. From free publicity to a sustainable supplier and a new project for Ace & Tate.

Curious? Check out the campaign at

"With the campaign, we want to get people moving to take the next circular step. An awareness campaign that preferably also brings about behavioral change. We achieve this with the campaign by sharing inspiring examples. I believe in the power of positive communication. It is therefore great to see that the campaign has led to new collaborations for Ace & Tate."

Zoé Déjean, pr-advisor
Do you want to exchange ideas with the Wolves about sustainability in your company? Get in touch with Zoe