
De Wolven wins Welcom Amsterdam Communication Award 2018 with campaign #ontdekde50plus

06 July 2018

Last night, The Wolves fell into the prizes at the Welcom Amsterdam Communication Award 2018. Every year, this jury award is presented to the best communication campaign of the past year. The Amsterdam agency won the prize with the #ontdekde50plus project for Werkgeversservicepunt Groot-Amsterdam (WSP) and the City of Amsterdam.

The aim of the campaign was to tackle unemployment among people over 50 in the municipality of Amsterdam. This group is eager to get to work, but on average the search for a job takes two years and nine months. In collaboration with WSP and the City of Amsterdam, PR and communication agency De Wolvende devised the #ontdekde50plus campaign to showcase a positive image of people over fifty as employees and to encourage employers to use their talents. In addition, Goodwill & Partners, Online Marketing Amsterdam (OMA) and Marije Ravelli Teksten also collaborated on the campaign.

Unemployed people over 50 in the picture
WSP and the Municipality of Amsterdam took up the challenge with employers in the region of matching twelve over-50s with a company that suited them. These twelve candidates symbolized 8,600 Amsterdammers between the ages of 50 and 64 who are looking for work, each with their own background, interests and qualities.

De Wolven gave this large group of over-50s a face by portraying their talents and qualities in a video pitch. On the campaign page konden employers could view the qualities of this group of enthusiastic Amsterdammers. They were also given more information about the benefits of employing people over fifty. De Wolven introduced two new candidates every week for a period of six weeks.

Successful match
The campaign received attention in Metro, on AT5 and was actively promoted to employers on Facebook and YouTube, among other places. In October and November 2017, nearly 7,000 unique visitors visited the campaign page a total of almost 10,000 times. The result was that seven out of twelve candidates were successfully matched to a company within a year. Moreover, the unemployment rate of Amsterdam’s over-50s decreased from 8,600 to 6,200 in 2017. Although this is not purely the result of the campaign, the communication certainly contributed to it.

During the award ceremony, the Welcom jury was very enthusiastic about the campaign. Fairouz Kasri, president of the Welcom Amsterdam jury: “De Wolven exposed an important social issue. Moreover, there was room for personal attention and the campaign was well thought out step by step.” Welcom praised the fact that De Wolven and its twelve over-50s were able to give a face to this group of job seekers. In April and May, the campaign received a follow-up. The results of the first campaign were used to once again inspire employers to hire this target group.

Welcom Amsterdam Communication Award
Welcom is the oldest communication association in the Netherlands. The network of communication professionals from Amsterdam and the surrounding area presents the award annually for a campaign that excels in creativity, daring, sharp analysis and an innovative approach. The purpose of the award is to inspire each other and to put craftsmanship in the spotlight.



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